by Sheri Cobb South

Narrated by: Noah Michael Levine

Production by: Sheri Cobb South

Delightful and Entertaining!

Rich, spoiled, and beautiful, the available Lady Helen Radney is delivered a shocking surprise! Her father’s gambling debt requires fast money, so he marries her off to Ethan Brundy. Not of societal importance and well below her believed societal standing, their marriage is off to a rocky start. Blackmail, gambling, and more keep Helen busy as she learns about the man she is married.

The author Sheri Cobb South weaves romance and historical fiction of the Regency period into an entertaining and cozy audiobook. Her vocabulary is precise and accurate communicating the characters and storyline clearly. Her pacing is smooth and highlights important actions and events accordingly. Her character development is deliberate and understated allowing the listener to reach some conclusions on their own yet not fully until the end. While it is clear that this is a love story, South builds the right amount of tense interaction between characters that lure the listener into feeling delighted when things go right.

The narrator, Noah Michael Levine, delivers a strong performance in which voices are clear and reflective of the characters. The accent is well done, and he keeps the story moving forward. He speaks clearly and with the proper amount of tone modulation and voice intensity. Levine further enhances an already captivating tale with his voice-acting abilities.

Overall, this is a highly enjoyable and entertaining book. It is light listening with a satisfying ending. Sheri Cobb South always delivers an entertaining book with delightful twists!

There were no issues with the quality or production of this audiobook.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.